Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Home Inspector's Schocking Discovery

Okay, maybe that was a bad play on words, but if these inexpensive safety issues are not corrected, somebody may get the shock of there life.
Moving on.
These pictures are some examples of reported safety issues concerning the electrical system. In this case the cost to correct the issue is very low. The most common safety issues with the electric system are usually not expensive repairs. They include Open-spliced wires (wires that are not spliced in a closed junction box), missing switch covers, missing plug covers, and double taped breakers(more than one circuit on a breaker).

Now on the other hand some older homes that still have the original wiring (Knob & Tube) in use, may not be up to today's safety standards and may have to be re-wired. In this case it is likely this will cost over a thousand dollars and is considered a major defect.
Above are some pictures of Knob & Tube wiring:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that looks like fun. Good post title by the way. Is that for a porch over a roof? Fortunately, I have not come across any knob and tube systems, but I just had fun with an FPE panel today.