Thursday, October 22, 2009

Doorbell Transformer (Answer)

Hey Amanda,

In residential 120 volt wiring the black is the hot and the white is the neutral. Look closely at the connection screws on the transformer, one will be silver in color and one will be brass. So with 120 volt residential wiring remember “black on brass”. The black wire is the hot wire and the brass screw is the hot connection. The white wire is the neutral and it goes to the silver screw. The “black on brass” rule applies to all household wiring. When you mount the transformer you can mount it to the outside of the main panel box or on a wall, but never mount it inside the panel box. Transformers will get warm and heat is not something you want on the inside of a panel. Remember always turn the power off at the main electrical box before attempting any wiring.

Thanks for the question.

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