Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Home Inspector called my House Old Yellow

I bought my first house when I was twenty. It was scary to think my $110 rent was now going to be a $165 mortgage - my, how times have changed...

I found a house built in the early twenties by neighbors of a local farmer for his daughter. The house was every bit of 600 square feet with the windows open, but it was located on a lot of land in a very secluded place. The land backed up to Pocahontas State Park.
With this location, all of my neighbors were four legged. I was living in an apartment in the city, and when I found this little house on this spot, I thought I was buying a little slice of heaven - well, untill the inspector for the bank came.

It was the second week of April when I met the bank inspector at my soon-to-be house, and I will never forget that day. This guy rolled up to the house all most an hour late, and the first thing he said was, why do you want a house out here? And why do you want this house? This was only the beginning. The little house had a fresh coat of bright yellow paint, and this guy started calling it “Old Yellow”, he did not mean it as a compliment.

This went down hillfrom there and you won’t believe the rest of his inspection.

Tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story.

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