Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home Inspector’s Beginnings (part 2)

Mr. Holloway approached my uncle at a get-together one Saturday night about some properties his lending institution was considering making loans for. His concern was lending money on another house with a structural defect, such as a failing foundation His company had already lost too much money like that in the past.

Mr. Holloway wanted my uncle to inspect the properties his company was considering lending money for, to make sure there were no major structural defects. My uncle’s name was Norm, and he was well noted for his commercial and residential building and repairs, and Mr. Holloway thought he would be perfect to pre-inspect these houses. My uncle Norm declined because he just did not have the time, but said he would see if his nephew (me) could do the inspections.

Little did I know at the time that the home inspection business was a business that soon was going to be a standard for home buyers, and a household word for Realtors.

Join me tomorrow as I get closer to doing my first inspection.

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